Monday, June 22, 2009

Best of the Big Back-In: T-Shirts!

Sunday's Big Back-In Lawnmower Drag Races on Spirit Lake's Maine Street easily qualify as the town's social event of the year. Thousands of people line the streets of Downtown Spirit Lake (all two blocks of it) to watch competitive lawnmachine racers square off for trophies (beer mugs) and bragging rights. 

The event brings out some of the most colorful characters in all of North Idaho, too.

One of my friends said the event was a little "rednecky" for her taste.

Being an Idaho girl, I just can't get enough of the local flavor.

Here's a sampling of the T's folks were sporting at Sunday's event.

I love the one above. I wouldn't snitch on him.

And how about this one? 

Dunno if these dude's came together, but if I had my choice of partying with the Church of the Solid Rock guy on the left or Mr. ATF, I know who'd I choose.

This one speaks for itself:

I don't think he's who she is looking for:

Dunno if this guy would qualify as prince charming, either:

The front of this shirt says Montana, but it could totally be an Idaho shirt:

And this woman can definitely be trusted. She's totally legal. By a good 30 years:


KaleJ said...

Dunno Taryn, but that gal's shirt and hat probably tell the story of why Prince Charming hasn't showed up yet. He is running. And fast.

Taryn A. Hecker said...

You really think she's to blame for scaring all the prince charmings out of my 'hood? She must be stopped.

Sam Crawford said...

Sweet blog Taryn. Congrats!

Mari Meehan said...

Our own special form of folk art!

Rizzo said...

great tees!

Mike said...

I was at the lawn mower races also, interesting people watching for sure. I love small town celebrations like this. Nice pic's.